Sep 18Liked by Stephanie Land


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When is the anticipated publication date?

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Hopefully first half of 2026

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Thank you 😊

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Sep 18Liked by Stephanie Land

Looking forward to your newest read, and great post!

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I absolutely cannot wait! Thank you for writing for those of us still in it. Is there a pre-order link?

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Oh no, I still have to write it! haha.

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I just started watching "Maid" on Netflix. I had no idea about your two memoirs a week ago. I've ordered both "Maid" and "Class."

I've watched four episodes and identify so much. I cried several times at the accuracy. I nearly threw up at the sight of a fist hole in the paneling of a run down trailer. Major flashback. I had to pause and leave the room because it hit several triggers.

I'm writing my own story. There's a lot of similarities - supposed to go to college to be a writer and then I got pregnant, but I lost the baby.

I'm definitely buying the next book too.

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I was at the Endicott gig, smiling in support from the third row. Before that date you had shared here how hard it was for you to do speaking gigs, so I knew that is was probably difficult for you and sent vibes that you would be o.k. I'm looking forward to Privilege to Feel! It is so true that folks need someone to validate their experiences, to say "I've been there too" and your writing gives that to so many.

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Congratulations, Stephanie!

Great, great, to hear.

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Sep 18Liked by Stephanie Land

Thank you for this. I'm also looking forward to reading your next book. So many of us are trying to heal, and we all need encouragement. You are brave.

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SO resonant for me right now, doing that dance between my own healing and trying to support others. We're all a mess, the world's on fire...but SO MANY of us are makers and writers and shining light into our corners that it HAS to help. Right? I love your work and I'm grateful for your ongoing honesty and sharing. Cannot wait for this new book. :)

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Um yes! This is one I will pre-order for sure. This is so cool Stephanie. Happy for you and us!

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Congratulations Stephanie!!

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Sep 18Liked by Stephanie Land

Stephanie, this all make total sense. I know what you're doing is very hard. I know because I am very similar. I love to write but I hate being in the public eye. Standing up and speaking in front of an audience totally fills me with anxiety, so I don't do it. I recently wrote and self published a book, "Ten Steps To Radical Self-Care," but I know it won't get very far because I don't have it in me to do public readings or even to make videos. That's just not who I am. Yet, every successful writer I know has done massive book tours, whether they enjoy doing presentations or not. I have found other ways to make money so I don't have to promote my book. I wish there were other ways to promote books because I know many writers, who tend to be quiet people, introverts, and who have tremendous anxiety with public speaking although many are incredible writers. I'm very impressed that you manage to do it. You are very courageous. And I appreciate that you are sharing what this is like for you. I very much look forward to your new book. I am a big fan!

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Thank you for continuing to shine a light ( from a large platform) on just how hard it is to keep up physically, mentally, emotionally when one is a caregiver living in poverty. This is my life. Twice divorced, grown kids, single earner, in debt, post menopausal and exhausted, saddled with chronic illnesses, an alcoholic( in recovery thank God!) , and having only a very small support circle. I'm also a poet and writer who sometimes scratches somewhat below the surface of these issues ( in society, not just for me) but if I ever get the luxury of TIME to finish my memoir of being a trauma survivor, I plan to plumb the depths of just how courageous it is to keep fighting and *giving* through it all.

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"Recovering from trauma is a process, not a solution." I could not agree more.

Biggest congratulations to you, Stephanie. I am so looking forward to reading this next book.

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You bring so much good sharing your truths and challenges. I love your writing. Have followed you since ordering your first hardcover release. Thank you.

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