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Apr 6
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People have weird parasocial relationships with celebrities. That’s all I’ve got. Like the way people glommed onto Johnny Depp and defended him across the Internet was weird. Who knows what draws people to love/hate a celebrity? It’s bizarre.

Celebrity, of course, means any public figure the public relates to in some way. Maybe their own relation to poverty is what makes them hate you…?

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What an amazing article and story. And what an amazing person you are! Thank you for this!

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I really hate this for you. I would like to offer you this: What you have accomplished is epic and you are a hell of a woman. You keep taking care of yourself and your family and know that those people who are targeting you obviously have no lives of their own. Hang in there and know there are many of us who have also had to drag our asses out of abject poverty and clean houses for other people and know about some of the shit you had to navigate. You are a woman warrior and a formidable one. Keep the faith.

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Thanks for always being so raw and honest.

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Well-chosen descriptors, Beth -- they fit perfectly and earn my deep admiration too.

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Love you. <3

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love you too ❤️❤️

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I am the author of a domestic violence memoir that got big. Not as big as your books, but big enough that every single piece of this resonates with me. The people trying to find lies, to take us down. The ones who just must have a word... my favorite was when I was in a hospital gown waiting for a mammogram and another patient asked me to autograph the paper bag that carried her street clothes. Sending solidarity. This sh*t is real.

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oof. as if a mammogram wasn't bad enough

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A very powerful memoir, janine.

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Thank you. People who write heart felt-memoirs pour their hearts into them. I know I did. I'm sure Stephanie can say the same.

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Stephanie - sending love and light. Thank you for this. You give others permission to speak their truth - often not allowed especially for women. There’s a great adage - “A person cannot be at peace with others until they are at peace with themselves.” Those trying to take you down have small lives filled with jealousy and resentment. You will overcome. Keep doing you. We need more honestly in this world. 💕💕💕

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Stephanie, I think about your book every day, to the point where I feel like I know you. Your writing and your life have made the biggest change in my life and countless others. It hurts my heart to see the trolls treating you this way, and I wish the best of the best for you and your family.

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I worked at DisneyWorld in college and we were told, in no uncertain terms, that fangirling over a celebrity was an immediately fireable offense. Learning that has served me well…when my mom sat beside Cheryl Tiegs decades ago at a pro hockey game, they had the nicest time chatting…until drunk fans noticed and accosted her for pics while she was with her young family. Whenever I see Jeff Ament or Hank Green at KettleHouse when I’m working, I smile and greet them exactly like I do for anyone else. I am so so sorry you’re being accosted in our Missoula, of all places. If I ever see you in the wild, or while I’m working, I’ll smile like always and tell you to enjoy whatever event I’m working…and will glow internally about how much your books have resonated with me. Hang in there. I’ve got your back, and will keep it to myself.

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THIS, all of this!! YAAAAAS, take back ALL your power and control and continue to voice THE TRUTH!

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Was going to suggest relocating your clan up North of the Border (it almost worked for Meghan and Harry) but jealousy, envy, schadenfreude and "let's take her down a notch" are unfortunate human traits no matter the country. We're in your corner and it's great being able to leave you a note here rather than tugging at your arm in a grocery store...

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Exactly, I thought about them too (M & H) and about relocation, but why allow jealous people to have any influence on ones life? This is not a solution.

"great being able to leave you a note here" - this is true. Great talking to you, Step.

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How come some people don’t have anything better to do than hate? It’s bizarre. So much life to live, yet people spend inordinate amounts of time tearing other people down rather than living their own lives.

I feel sorry for them. I HATE that YOU have had to suffer from their extreme prejudice and narrow mindedness. But I hear you getting brave and taking back your power…

Which is going to drive them bonkers! lol.

I’ve been planning to write my memoir, waiting until I have enough healing under my belt so that it is a constructive and hopeful story, rather than one of defeat and depression…. But when I only wrote a small part and shared it on Facebook (after sharing stories of Covid nursing which people loved) my entire family turned against me. (Needless to say I am no longer sharing stories, or much of anything, on FB anymore).

I’m afraid of the trolls you face. Not gonna lie. But if enough of us face those trolls maybe one day they’ll finally feel shame again, and creep back under their shadow-filled rocks.

Thank you for being a warrior, and an inspiration. I for one, truly appreciate what you have done and what you are doing.

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Ever since you posted the first part of your journey I can't seem to get you off my mind. Having worked for the uber wealthy for a lot of years, I can tell you they ALL have one thing in common - they're paranoid. Most came from little or nothing, have risen to the heights, and are terrified someone will take what they've amassed.

The ones who've managed their wealth and fame well have become experts at "compartmentalizing" their lives. Public life/Private life. Few have done it as well as my son-in-law who was a fighter pilot in the Navy, and is now a US Congressman. Heck, I'm his father-in-law and I can't get ANYTHING out of him about either the Navy, or Congress unless I specifically ask a pointed question. Even at that, I only get what I asked about, and nothing more. You see, his family and very close friends don't see him as anything but a friend or family member. Around us, you couldn't pick him out of a line-up - he just wants to be a family member who's absolutely normal. When he's in Washington, that's a different matter.

You are blessed with an incredible story. But it's YOUR story, no anyone else's. You're blessed with a precious family. But it's YOUR precious family. The naysayers will come and go. "Let them eat cake," someone important, and I don't know who, once said. Because you were blessed with a heritage, rough as it may have been, and you're gifted at telling your story, let them fuss and fight, demand and dictate, but NO ONE can take your story from you, or intervene between family and friends! I'm rooting for you, kiddo!

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More power to your elbow, Stephanie.

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Oh gracious, does this resonate in my heart. You're a courage woman and stellar writer. We're with you.

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I would hope that other seasoned authors reach out to you with their support. Kudos to your therapist...and kudos to you.

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