Jun 21Liked by Stephanie Land

Glad you made it to the other side!

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Jun 21Liked by Stephanie Land

You couldn't write a better argument. If they dare do what they're considering, shame on them.

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Thank you for sharing your experience, for speaking to people who could make a difference. For speaking to us and make a difference. Your compassion shines bright. May it touches many hearts.

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Jun 21Liked by Stephanie Land

Yes. We live paycheck to paycheck (my husband has been on disability for years and recently had a major stroke); sometimes we don’t make it to the next paycheck. We are financially unstable. I’ve had to reach out for help. And i feel shame for that.

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You should not be the one feeling shame; society should.

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Thank you.

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Praying for a complete turn around in your life! And thank you for being so vulnerable in sharing your plight with all of us!

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Thank you so much for using your story and voice to help others.

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Jun 21Liked by Stephanie Land

Is this becoming a thing all over?

Our city passed a ban last month not criminalizing homelessness, but "homeless encampments and activity in public spaces," like those are two separate things. Fines for the first violation will be anywhere from $10-$500 plus costs, with subsequent offences increasing to $25-$1000.

An encampment is considered anything with sleeping materials, including a single car. Our city doesn't have a homeless shelter and no reliable public transportation to get to one. What the hell are they supposed to do? Sure thing, city of Neenah, you didn't make homelessness illegal, my ass.

The newspaper article says the council didn't discuss any of the concerns raised, and all voted unanimously in favor of the ban.

Some people in positions of power suck.

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Jun 21Liked by Stephanie Land

I will never forget what it was like being poor. Your writing means so much to me because I know how frightening poverty is. Thank you for sharing this Substack article.

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Ugh, 'The strivers versus skivers' rhetoric bandied about by those with wealth and/or power is ignorant at best and malicious at worst.

Luck plays a significant part in every person's fortunes: bad luck for many (abusive relationship, place of birth, timing) and good luck for those looking on and criticising.

Good for you for highlighting your plight, and of others like you. I can only imagine what the personal cost is.

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I do hope that you are being heard in your community. Your story is heartbreaking, frightening and inspiring all at the same time. You are the perfect advocate for those who are struggling right now. I wish you all the good fortune you are due in your fight and always.

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Jun 21Liked by Stephanie Land

Brava for a bravely frank reality check that should open more eyes. I salute your strength, sensitivity and compassion, as well as your storytelling skills.

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Jun 21Liked by Stephanie Land

This is such a powerful and important story. Thank you so much for advocating for others and giving a voice to those who don't have one.

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Jun 21Liked by Stephanie Land

"After endless emotional abuse, her dad became violent, and I left with only two hundred dollars, no job, and no child care." I was ever so close to this same constellation of circumstances. Brava for putting your story on record and representing so so many others who need, but cannot get, secure housing.

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You are brave. I'm glad you left your abuser and I thank you for speaking up against your city council's ignorance. <3 You are doing important work.

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Jun 22Liked by Stephanie Land

This is so important! Thank you!!

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Yes - so many people are just one paycheck away from homelessness. I’ve been wondering about the use of ‘unhoused’ or ‘people with housing instability’ instead of homeless. I know that it’s meant to move away from the stigmatization of ‘homeless’ but I wonder if it also sanitizes or neutralizes. I don’t know how to find out.

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What happened to you could happen to any one of us and people ( the ones who make and pass these laws) seem to think they are exempt from those circumstances. Poor and homeless people are bad and make bad choices so they deserve to be criminalized? What does that solve? Nothing. Thank you for sharing your story and for always making those on the margins feel seen.

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