I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Thank you for sharing this perspective and opening up about your struggles.

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So bummed for you that this is happening. Thanks for sharing with us. I hope you know I’m sending all good thoughts your way and I’m sure others are as well. I’m glad you have the barn and your horse and your kiddos and husband. I hope you can have some peaceful moments that stretch into days and weeks and longer.

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Wow. I don’t have much advice nor words of wisdom for you Stephanie. Geez. I understand (somewhat) b/c my husband and I retired from two different LE Agencies so we are recluses in our town as well…in fact we purchased another home away from home many miles away, just to be able to go out and have fun…walk around…go to events, etc. No one recognizes me b/c I spent so many years as a civilian but my husband has been attacked, out of uniform, just shopping. I guess what I’m trying to explain to you is this…you may have to move again to find a better life? It really sucked at first to move but now we both love it…and when we want to fill up the tanks and just chill then we go back to the recluse house. I’d love to sell it but it’s my husband’s family house and it goes to his kids eventually.

You and your family have been through enough!!! You can regain your happiness and get your life back. We did it and we are old folks. You all are young and have many years of options ahead of you. I hope this helps. ❤️

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I have had to leave places that I lived twice now just to get away from ugly rumors and vicious gossip.

I cannot imagine being high-profile and having to deal with the jealousy and narcissism. How do you ever know who/what can be trusted? Why do people feel the need to tear others down in order to build themselves up?

I’m sorry you’re going through this. I don’t know you, but there is ZERO reason a person who wrote a book about the difficulties of single-motherhood, especially without money or support, could ever need to “taken down.” How hateful and ridiculous.

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I’m so sorry you’re going through this, and please know you have so many people in your corner who think the world of you.

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Welp. She's a f*cking f*cker. And although I'm not famous like you, I'm known in my town because of my husband's position, and I've been on the receiving end of vicious rumors. My heart goes out to you. It's possible some of us just need to move to giant cities where people don't have time to gossip and stir up sh*t. My heart goes out to you.

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After a long and what I consider a successful career in teaching. I have learned that most of the time in life you will walk alone. Enjoy the good and try with all your might to disregard the negative. Surround yourself with animals and avoid idiots and believe me there are a lot of them. Idiots abound. Take care of yourself and your family what ever that entails.

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I think so often it can appear that public figures have asked for the attention drawn to them. Yet, more often than not, public figures (excluding the TikTokers and Instagramers - no shame, but different conversation) are artists who became seen because of their work.

You write, and because you write many of us feel seen and heard for the first time in years. However, you didn't ask to be seen, at least not in your private spaces and neighborhood. I can't imagine how painful it is to have a place that felt like a sanctuary suddenly feel like a museum that happens to have you as the prime exhibit.

I don't know why so many writers seem so keen to write about you (no offence), but the number one tip I have ever been given for writing has been to write what you know. Do these people know nothing else better or more authentically?

I do find your story fascinating and inspiring. I wish that I had written it, but I don't know as I wish I had lived it. It was hard. It was scary. You and your girls endured, and that is beautiful. However, I have my own story to tell (or, at least I think I do), and I want to hear what happens next in yours. So don't let these haters get you down.

I promise, if I ever see you in public living your life (highly unlikely as I live far away in Canada), I'll let you keep on living it undisturbed. I hope others will do the same.

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thank you that was all really validating for me--the sanctuary becoming a museum visualization.

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I am so sorry this is happening. Please reach out anytime that feels good to you. Supporting and cheering you on always.

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I am so sad you are going through this. I am proud of you and happy for your success, and so admire your fierce writing, and your willingness to lay it bare in your successful books. Anyone who’s seriously tried to write and get published knows how hard you work.

Sometimes I’m embarrassed for humanity and the stupidshit things people do and say. But this woman who’s harassing you makes me beyond embarrassed: I’m horrified!

And what is this asshattery of jealous women working hatefully to bring down women writers like you and Cheryl Strayed? I’m not big on shame, but as a woman, I’m ashamed of these hateful women.

Please know you and your family are held dear by so many of us who have followed your success and felt great joy for you! The idea of a move sounds daunting. I did it two yrs ago at age 65 and am so stinking glad I did! We’d welcome you here in little Lambertville, NJ and have tons of horse facilities all around.

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I've just had a similar experience and understand how vulnerable you must feel. After reading this post, I became a paid subscriber to show my support. After reading "Maid," a book I couldn't put down once I started reading it, I recommended "Maid" to others and think it should be required reading for all high school students.

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thank you so much ❤️

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Again, sorry to hear that you are going through these tough times. I know what it is like to have people you believed liked you (and those who maybe didn't even ever get to know you) turn on you. It is painful, lonely, and intensely infuriating. I also know a thing about being alone all day, surrounded by loved ones. Health issues over the past few years have kept me so - although my family is around and they are the cream of the crop. I'll say this, though, your writing is spot-on. I understood your feelings well. It is a gift. Your writing is a gift to you and a gift from you. Please don't stop.

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Everything you write and wrote are YOUR memories. YOUR experiences. You are an exceptional author and human. What I’m reading is outright bullying and jealousy by some of these individuals. I ditto what Donald Ambrose wrote above.

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I’m glad you’re writing about it and I hope whenever this “hit job” of a piece comes out, it won’t get any traction. It’s such an ugly thing to spend your time and energy actively trying to “take someone down” it really boggles my mind. And I hope this person doesn’t chase you away from your home, though I certainly understand why you aren’t feeling at ease. I’m so sorry, Stephanie.

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I feel like people who behave like this have things they want to ignore in their own lives so they make someone else’s life their business. Being a public figure doesn’t give people permission to dig into your life, and I’m sorry that this person can’t see that. You know who you are, and people looking from the outside in do not.

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The courage you have to share your story and the talent to write it in a compelling, honest, informative, and inspiring way is doing more good for more people than you can ever imagine. Haters will be haters. You can’t change them. Don’t let them change you. Hug a horse, dog and human.

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